ABCDelicious - This isn't exactly creative, but it's just fruity enough that I figured nobody would actually have used it. Leave it to XBOX Live and the world of online gaming to prove me wrong, eh? Yeah, the next obvious thing to try is ABCDemonic, but come on. . . why bother?
Slick Bone - I didn't mean it to sound. . . you know. . . like it does. I really just wanted to use the word slick. I just needed something to go with it. How's about a skeleton? Skeletons are edgy and foreboding, yeah? With that in mind, I combined this skeletal word with the first and formed this new tag. Upon discovering it was taken, I asked myself, "who would want to use this name? What kind of connotations could "Slick Bone" have anyw. . . Oooohhh. EW!" NEXT!
Frisky da Homan - Like the famous Christmas character with the carrot nose and a mean backhand. Of all the XBL gamertags that I've tried, this is the only one that I was genuinely annoyed to discover was taken. Frisky da Homan--five-stars of coolness if you ask me.
OICU812 - I haven't actually gotten around to trying this one yet, so if anyone wants to do the honors, be my guest.
CtrlAltDel33t - Actually, I didn't come up with this at all, but I ran into the dude who uses this name playing Gears. I'm usually not all that moved by gamertags, but you can't deny how cool this one is. I'm disappointed in myself for not thinking of it first.