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Shen's Kitchen: parts 1 and 2

Okay okay okay, the video quality is lousy in the dark spots, the sound is a little inconsistent, and I slip lots of bad words into what seems like clean, casual monologuing (that's what the disclaimer's for :)).  I hope you'll all understand that this isn't supposed to be a video "about" Guitar Hero II, it just has some GHII in it.  So if you don't like the camera angle when we're showing the gameplay, it's because we didn't... actually... care.  :)  I just wanted to put a glimpse of what we do here at my house up for your viewing pleasure.

Up first, I introduce myself, show off the art Nick drew on my Guitar Hero II X-Plorer, get bored of Nick's runthrough of "Message in a Bottle", give a tour of, you know... my kitchen, and explain why I have a fresh pineapple in there.  There's always a good reason.  Watch for Gary's inane antics in the background.


Here on part 2, Nick has finished "Message", Gary pillages the hot dogs and butter in my fridge, I drink "tea" (burp...), and then play co-op Beast and the Harlot with Nick.  Poor Kris, he was recording it all.  He's not shown.  But he rules!


Can't wait to hear everyone's comments.  If you want to see some more of what goes down at my house, let me know.  Hope you all enjoy.