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StarFox Command--updated impression

Well, most of what I said in my first impression still holds true, but I can tell you that with certain mentalities, StarFox Command is worth playing.  For some, it might even be worth buying.

It's like this.  If you're looking for that good old fashioned StarFox gameplay you had on the 64, you'll be sorely disappointed with StarFox Command.  However, if you step back and think rationally, casting all your preconceived notions, wishes, and disappointment with recent feedback to the wayside, you'll see that StarFox Command is enjoyable in its own way.

The game eventually got to be a little more fun when I started to warm up to the whole strategizing bit.  The maps are laid out in ways that actually provide a little bit of real, actual strategy; not just "move your ship onto their ship then blow 'em up".  It's still a relatively easy game, and it's terribly unvaried in terms of mission types, but at least it's short.  Wait, maybe that's not such a good thing.

Ah-hrrrmmm... anyway.  There are a few unlockable levels that I've yet to try, plus Wi-Fi, and now that I'm having to give the game back to EBgames (perfectly legal--my wife is allowed to check out games from the store so long as they've already been opened.  This was a "gutted" copy, so it's all legit), I actually want to keep it.  Would I pay forty bucks to keep it?

*winces, purses lips, cocks head, and looks at ceiling*
