Hey guys, don't worry. This isn't another notice of resignation. I was just catching up with the officer promotion thread, reading through some of the other officers' responses, when this feeling dawned on me. It was something like guilt and remorse mixed together.
There are many of you who I feel I know well through your contributions, be they ReviewSpotting submissions or critiques. And I like that. Unfortunately my current career sort of undulates, and it affects my free time. Many of the older CCU members may recall a lull I had between ReviewSpotting #5 and, I don't know, ReviewSpotting 20-something. The point is, sometimes I just get overloaded, and right now happens to be one of those times.
So it gives me an uneasy feeling when I'm reading through your applications and I don't feel I know you as well as I once did. I hope you all won't move on without me, because you can be sure, I'll be able to devote more time to the CCU like I used to again soon.
Enough of that. Right now I have more applications to peruse so we can get you guys through the ringers and into leading the union. Thanks for all your efforts, guys. That goes for everyone.