Once again, I've meandered back to the old GameSpot journal just to enter some musings sure to please the masses. By the masses I mean the one somewhat interested user curious about my oath and my loyal friends who tolerate my essays. Today's entry is going to be in compressed format as follows:
AdvanceWarsDS is awesome, but not as great as everyone's saying...I should write a review on it...probably give it somewhere in the low 8's after all is said and done...Battalion Wars is iffy so far too...nice game; mean gameplay...why don't I ever write about Japan in this journal?...I started to, but never followed up...I hereby solemnly submit this oath to eventually, someday, possibly never continue to write about Japan...and also to get back into this journal a bit more...not that I've never said that before...I should be asleep right now, and that's why I'm on GameSpot...figures...I'm gonna kick myself when it's time to get up for work...I hate work sometimes...maybe I'll take my DS today...that'd be nice...I already want a new DS game, but not Nintendogs...actually what I want is Animal Crossing for my GCN again...and that's only because I want Mike Tyson's Punch-Out...thank goodness Revo might let me get a hold of that game again...why is that game so hard to come by?...it's really not fair...okay, that's it...time for bed...
So here's to journal entries. May I uphold my oath to write to myself about gaming more often.