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My 1st Blog Post!!! Plus my Simpson's game impressions.

Hello all! This is actually my first blog type thing ever, so bear with me on this. I'm a life long gamer trying to get into the gaming industry. It is not that difficult if you have the right vision and the people already on the inside. Luckily I have both those things so hopefully i'll be in my dream job in a few years. Most I will be using this blog to vent out about issues I see in the current state of gaming and the consoles in general. I try to be as unbiased as possible, but sometimes can be short sighted on issues. Also i'll be giving you impressions or just reviews on games in general. Speaking of which, there was a game I wanted to give an impression on already, a little demo on the PSN for The Simpson's Game. I won't bore you with anymore details about myself (who cares about me, its the games gamers care about haha ).

Kay, so I have a PS3 and decided I would download The Simpson's Game demo last night. Hmmm where do I begin. Usually demo's are set up as to give a taste of what the full game is like. Hopefully that isn't the case here otherwise I was spoonfed crap in game form. It's a terrible demo, both from a technical and design standpoint. Granted, i'm not expecting genius from the development studios of EA, but hopefully a game with the amount of support this game got from its source material would have to be good. Again, not having played the full game I can't tell you if the entire thing is bad. What I will say is that the level you do play in the demo is probably some of the worst gaming i've played this console generation (been gaming 18 out of 21 years of life btw).

The demo puts you in control of Homer and Bart in a sceanario ripped from a Simpson's Halloween episode where the Lard Lad advertisement statue comes to life and terrorizes Springfield. The game drops you in a fairly big open world environment and basically tells you some quick tutorials on the controls and then expects you to best the walkin advertising behemoth. The first thing you will notice is that these are some great graphics. Easily one of the best uses of Cel-shading used on the PS3, and it comes close to Eternal Sonata on the 360. If only the game played as good as it looks. The designers thought it would be genius if a horde of infinite little Killer Krusty dolls, again ripped from a Halloween episode, would come in and try to impede your way on the ground. If that isn't enough, Lard Lad will make sure your life is hell by shooting eye lasers and stomping the ground in your area. It's alright though, if one of the two dies, he will come back in a few seconds once he rests up. It's like the co-op in Halo games where your buddy respawns in a safezone upon death, except here you can respawn everywhere. It is stupid in that regard however since the game doesn't punish you really for dying your basically free to mess up however you want.

Killing the Lard Lad is one of the most frustrating objectives I have tried to do in gaming in recent memory. You need to hit a switch in his back which opens another switch which you can disable. Doing this process three times results in his death and the end of the demo. You'll wish it was that easy though once you realize that there is gravity in the game and jumping high isn't possible without getting up in buildings. Hell even that is nearly impossible thanks to one of the most retarded camera's i've ever seen. It makes jumping on the fat ad's back that much harder. This isn't hard like Devil May Cry 3 we are talking about, where it is actually fun to rise above the challenge. Really there are so many things wrong with the game I get sick thinking about it. I didn't wanna ramble on like this but thinking about it is raising all sorts of hate for it. If your still with me i'm sorry, just do yourself a favor and stick away from this game like it was made out of razorblades and dead babies okay.