Yeah i know what you people think who have played CoD4, there is no way BF is better. But you guys are wrong. I have both the games. and in some ways Bad Company is better. Here's my opinion why that is.
First of all, the destructive enviroments. thats a major plus in Bad Company. it's cool that you can blow yourself a way trough a house. The weapons are basicly the same. with a few extra handy things like artillery strike and laser guided missle's. almost every weapon has a secondary fire option. like a granade launcher. the graphics are pretty cool too. but like in call of duty 4 there isnt much differents. in Bad Company it has a bit of a shady look. the controll's are different in a good way. it's a bit of getting used to but after you get the hang of it it go's smoothly. And like the strongest part in CoD4 the multiplayer is the main part of Bad Company. with 8 Lvl's to choose from and earning rankings and weapons as you play. the multiplay options are very alike.
So to say BF: Bad Company is better. in some ways it is. if you really like CoD4 you should buy them both for the experiance of blowing stuff up. i would say i give them a 50/50. both has some fun options. and of course the single play of CoD4 is an Epic story.