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Shikamaru93 Blog


Naruto:Uzumaki Chronicles 2 hasn't come should have been delivered within 6 days.... and it's been almost two months.....


Yohoo!!!!Finally getting the new Naruto game : Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles 2!!!

Awesome !!!!!!!

I'm totaly gonna be not-social...

Just to play this kick ass game!!! :D:D:D:D:D

Not Enough Money!!!!!

OMG!!! I need to get a xbox360a Wii and a ps3...cause i need alot of Naruto Games and DW Games + FF Games and Fire Emblem Games....but the damn thing is that i'm so low on money right now and it bugs me like hell!!!!!!!!!and there's no job's for a 14 year old kid right now!!!!God Damn