ShinZero / Member

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I hate you, average gamer.

I really do. I worked in a game store for about 2 years and nothing was more frustrating then dealing with jackasses who's current favorite game ran parallel to whatever was being advertised the most. Why do you even bother those clerks with your questions? You never listen anyway, and the ones who truly love gaming and could answer you give up after hearing "Okay ill just buy Madden" countless times.

I was looking through my collection the other day, and saw some games id consider classic. Eternal Darkness, Beyond Good & Evil, you know what, im not going to list them because you don't care if there isn't a commercial to tell you to.

Also, stop trying to start up a conversation with me about the piece of crap you wasted your money on. Look, its fine with me if you want to justify a bad purchase to yourself, but im not going to suger coat my opinion to make you feel better. "Oh whats that? Face Breaker isn't bad when you're drunk, during a full moon, on a Thursday, for about 12 minutes?" Sorry, don't care. That games ass and you got ripped off for being stupid.

Seriously though people, do your research and most importantly... don't corner yourself into a certain "style" of game just because its what's popular. Look at racing games around the time The Fast and The Furious hit theaters originally years ago. Suddenly every racing game is about Street Racing, with glassy looking streets that are for some reason always wet. Sure, some of those were actually pretty good, but way to many were complete garbage that sold tons anyway because people want to buy games they perceive to be "cool" rather then actually good.

Let me be the first to tell you, if you're buying games to be cool, you're doing it wrong.