ShinZero / Member

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"Streamlined" for her pleasure.

I ended up rambling on about Street Fighter and Zangief for way to long. I also wanted to cover Civilization: Revolution today, but for the benefit of the 2 people who might actually read this stuff, ill keep this one short.

You know when a game company, advertiser or even a game reviewer talks about how a game is "streamlined"? You hear this mostly when a PC game company tries to port something over, or make a console version of their game. I usually don't think of this as a good thing. Usually it means the company has simply stripped out one (or more) of the more complicated features. Sometimes, because it doesn't translate well to console style controls but usually because they don't believe console gamers will enjoy it. (If they did, they would probably be PC gamers! /gasp)

Well, this might be one of the first games where "Streamlined" really means exactly that. The Gamespot review is dead on. The game is truly great. I have been very pleased, and also surprised because with very few exceptions, this genre has never really had a strong presence on consoles. I certainly don't mind playing these sorts of games on my PC, ive always done so in the past without issue. However, if I can have roughly the same experience while seated in my recliner watching my 40inch HDTV, you can bet ill take it.
