ShinZero / Member

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Street FIgher 4 Dead

Another day, another small victory (and another small defeat)

I managed to get the "Untouchables" achievment today in Left 4 Dead. This brings me down to 3 achievments to complete (905/1000 currently). I dunno why but this seemingly (and in practice) easy achievement was just always out of my grasp. A big factor, of course, is having real team mates. My wife is always up to play, but 2 people leaves 2 faulty NPC's. Having 4 real players once again makes the difference. Still going for 1000/1000 as I can. Left 4 Dead is the first game ive ever cared about the achievments on. Valve did a great job here, and I hope more games in the future follow its lead.


My closest friend is now "better" then me at Street Fighter 4. I take nothing from him, he has improved quite a bit at the game, but a good deal of that improvment came hand in hand with a new gamepad to play on. People keep telling me the Xbox 360 controller is holding me back. After watching somebody close to me instantly and noticibly improve after making the change.. im starting to become a believer. This was, previously somebody with about as much time to play and practice as I do (read: not much) The only thing he's changed was his pad, and he's the first person to credit the pad for his improved gameplay.

Heh... years ago you wouldnt catch me even trying to play without a stick, and now im debating if getting a new pad/stick of somekind is worthwhile. Funny how priorities in life change. Funny, but also frustrating.