1. Super Mario Galaxy- This game makes me jump inside with glee
2. LittleBigPlanet- I don't have a PS3 and my level of not wanting one is about 90%. But my desire of LBP is about 150%. So we'll see if I get a PS3 just for this game. Only time will tell...
3. Half Life 2: THe Orange Box- I've always wanted to play HL2 but my PC has always been crappy. So the amount ofsubstance in this package for only $60 is like a godsend for me
4. Rock Band- If you need an explanation go look at any news announcement about this game
5. Assassin's Creed- From the developers of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, which is probably my favorite game ever. That automatically puts it on this list. Plus it looks pretty sweet.
6. Halo 3- Obviously
7. GTA 4- just as obvious
8. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destuction- The only other reason I want a PS3
9. Bioshock- You had me at "Now he's going to telekinetically take of the ememy's hat, dip it in fire, and shoot at back at him for extra damage."
10. Starcraft 2
Also, in no particular order: UT3, Mass Effect, CoD 4, Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, Crysis (if I can afford a graphics card to run that), Mario Kart Wii (I guess), RE 5, and Burnout Paradise