It's my 16th birthday! Woohoo! I don't know. Today isn't feeling as grand as maybe a 16th birthday should be. Or maybe it is. It seems for sweet sixteen you either have to go big or small. People either have big parties or they hardly do anything at all. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground. I'm in the latter category if you haven't guessed.
I'm not having a party, and I'm not getting a car yet, so there's no big deal here, which just feels kind of awkward in a totally comfortable way. So far I've had a lot of pizza for lunch, got the "planet earth" dvd box set I asked for, which is great, and I'll probably be spending my birthday money on some games pretty soon. So there's my exuberant/melancholy/still pretty happy but kind of wierd feeling post. But I guess what best describes this, is that though its not the most exiting day, my first day being 16 is still feeling pretty nice.