Arrival: The Gaming Review Union started awhile ago... At first it was the Informational Gaming Union... Info Union for short. The Info Union served as a union devoted to getting information on games to the members, it had a lot of good features, but it seemed that its purpose was lost since we were a info union on a informational site.
Adaptable: The Info Union could not even compare to gamespot, sure we might have gotten something from Game Informer a few hours before Gamespot covered it, but nothing huge. Since the Info Union could not find a good solid purpose that would keep members active, the Info Union adapted to the Gaming Review Union. The GRU's purpose was to review games, and critique them. It seemed like a great idea at the time.
Survival: Unfortunately, the GRU could not get many active members, sure someone might come along here and there, but nothing solid enough to stay with the union. The union was starving, the union created several features to try to attract more members, but it they never seemed to come through.
Revival: Today, the GRU has made a comeback from the grave as a thriving active union. The union has created a new layout, new homepage buttons, new officers, new features, new members. But don't think that means that everything is paradise, there is still much work to be done, and more active members to be made.
The Gaming Review Union has come a long way, but still has a long way to go.
Join up here, to support the revival of the GRU