ShinoGenjutsu's forum posts
Games like Link to the Past: Four Swords and the Zelda Master Quest thing. Games that recreate games we played before but changed them.
I find this an annoying factor that alters a game too much. I got excited when i heard they were releasing a remake of OoT but when i heard there were new dungeons and more challenging puzzles, I lost all joy. I wanted a remake that i could a remake not a new game with an old formula. Am i alone or does anyone else feel this way too?
I was never able to finish Majora's Mask because my friends (who le tme borrow it) abruptly took it away.
I really liked Link's Awakening's (does the DX version change really at all?) story line. It was very simple but I enjoyed it nontheless.
I found Twilight Princess, contrary to common opinion, a horrible game all around, Story included. It was all very vague until the end where all at once it threw itself together. It seemed too rushed to me.
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