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Shinso-Zangetsu Blog

Finally got a 36o... and just in time for Halo 3!!

Well, the topic title says it all: I got the Elite. Currently, I have7 games: Gears of war, Lost planet, Battle for Middle earth 2, command and conquer 3, star wars the original trilogy, Bioshock, and Castlevania Symphony of the night

and of course, I preordered Halo 3; the Collector's edition, to be exact. Was looking for legendary, but Best Buy didn't include it, so I went with collector's edition.

2 More days....

...until the 36o Elite comes out! I hope I get it... I only got straight A's on my report card, and got 2nd place in a Spelling Bee. :P

Virginia Tech Shootings...

Man, I'm really late, but I give my deepest condolences of the families of the victims of the Virginia Tech shooting. Here's the outcome:
33 dead along with the shooter, Cho Seung-Hui. Many more were wounded. You can see more info at many news sites, or by googlin' Virginia Tech and Cho.

I really felt bad about the families. That was a sad day, indeed.

Metal Gear Online

It's been gone for 22 days as of today. The world feels a bit... different now. Sure there's MPO, but I'm scared at the thought of losing my soldiers. :P
Yes, I'm 22 days late, but RIP MGO. You were quite a game.

Rest in Peace MGO

Even though you had hackers/glitchers/people with bad sportsmanship/etc., you were great. Konami's mind looks set. Rest in Peace. We had good times, and bad times, too. You're going down soon..:|

Bye MGO,


AKA Gleipner, the G in Omg, and many other player names.

Xbox 360 Games

Aight, my first blog entry. Actually, my first blog, too.

Well, I might be getting a 360 soon. Can anyone recommend some games? I'm geared towards RPGs and Action games. Before you say anything, I'm already thinking of Oblivion and Gears of War..:P