Yesterday was my baby girl's 6th birthday! I can't believe it's been 6 years. We made mini-cupcakes the night before for her to take to school and share with her c1ass Orange cake with chocolate chips and vanilla icing.
I went home from work early and took her out to Target to get some goodies. She picked a pair of pearl earrings, silver tennis shoes, pink jelly shoes, a pink dress, a kiddy picnic basket set, and the biggest hit - a voice sampler. Maybe I've watched a little too much Kodocha lately, but I saw it and said heeeyyy! Check this out! I showed her how it works and she hasn't put it down since. The last thing she said into it this morning before getting out of the car this morning was...
"My teacher's gonna love this!"
"My teacher's gonna love this!"
"My teacher's gonna love this!"
"My teacher's gonna love this!"
"My teacher's gonna love this!"
"My teacher's gonna love this!"
"My teacher's gonna love this!"
Of course I took it from her at that point because I don't think her teacher would be amused. :D
In honor of my baby girl's birthday, here is a picture of her and I taken a few months ago.