Yesterday was just about as sucky as they come. I woke up late and not feeling well. My back was aching and I had no energy at all. I would have called in sick except I knew I had some important stuff to take care of at work. So I got the 5-year-old ready and took her to school (late) and then dragged myself into work (late). To me that seemed like the sort of thing a dedicated employee would do. I start doing the stuff I had promised the team lead I would get done that day and next thing I know I am in the middle of an "I'm so disappointed in you" lecture that was audible throughout the entire cubical farm. The really sucky part of it all was that I earned this lecture by forgetting to put file header comments on my files. That's not even executable code and makes absolutely no difference in the way the program runs or is used. I admit, it was mentioned before that I needed to add them and I forgot to do it, but really was it worth all that? And that was just the start of it - I got laid into for everything from file names to not raising my hand to go to the bathroom. I just felt like crawling into a hole and never coming out. Then to top it all off, after I got home from work - at nearly 8PM - I grabbed a hunk of chocolate for lack of any other solutions to the way I felt, and a stupid almond chip got pushed up into my gums and it hurt like hell.
Today has been slightly better. At least I got my daughter to school and made it to work on time. The team lead had another conversation with me this morning but at least it was done in private. I seriously don't mind getting feedback, but for goodness sake do it in private and give me a chance to think things through before attacking.
On a happier note, remember the co-worker I was complaining about a few blogs ago. The guy who likes to have audible phone conversations about how unintelligent his co-workers are. Well, I overheard him telling someone else that Friday is his last day here. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out Mr. Smarty Pants.
Speaking of chocolate, I got a Dove chocolate bar this morning and this is what it says on the back...
What in the world does that mean?