Hello! How is everyone? I feel like I've been away from this site for months, but it's only been a week and a half really, and I have been checking in occasionally. Work has been keeping me very busy lately. The project I've been working on finally has funding and is going into full swing. I like staying busy though, it makes the days go faster.
Home is as hectic as ever. I'm having a deck built. It might even be done by the end of the day today. I'm excited about the deck. It will give me more places to grow things. :D
My husband's brother's two year old daughter is staying with us this week. My kids are really happy they get to spend that much time with their little cousin. We live more than 400 miles apart so it's not like we can just hop in the car and go visit them on a weekend. We met half way before, but it's still quite a drive.
The cold has let up a little. It's in the 50's now so I'm back to my favorite red leather jacket again instead of the giant eskimo coat. I realize some of you are south of the equator. It seems so weird that people from half way around the world can interact so easily online. We probably correspond more in a single hour than our grandparents could have in an entire lifetime. It's mind boggling to think about it. And consider the amount of information available online. It would have taked our grandparents hours to go to a library and look up a piece of information when all we have to do is type it in a box and hit enter. Uh oh, I feel a deep question coming on....
Do you think the ease of information access and communication we have now is making people smarter than the generations before us?
One last thing. A game I like to play.
Take care everyone!!