My trip started Friday after work. I drove to Union station in DC and caught the train at 7:30PM. I got seated next to a nice lady who was traveling to Florida for her brother's funeral. Accross the aisle from me was another lady who was trying to tell everyone on the train that there was a crazy lady that had yelled and cursed at her two seats in front of us. I listened to her complaints, but hoped it wasn't as bad as she insisted. A mere 20 minutes into the 14 hour train ride, cell phones started to ring all around me. Panicked family members were calling because a freight train had derailed and fallen into the river just a few miles from where we were at the moment. Luckily, it was not the train I was on, and we didn't even get delayed, but it sure did cause some panic for a few minutes. The rest of the ride was alright, but I was a bit disappointed in the selection of food. The 'real' dinner had already been served by the time I got on the train. Good thing I had some sushi at the train station earlier. I tried my best to sleep that night but really didn't get a good rest. The seats are pretty comfy - almost like sleeping in a recliner, but for some reason I just couldn't sleep. I had earplugs with me, but there was a little boy two seats behind me with a piercing cry that penetrated straight through the earplugs. He didn't stop crying the whole night. As soon as the sun came up in the morning, we all got a taste of the crazy lady mentioned earlier. I thought she was talking on a cell phone, but it turned out she was carrying on both sides of an argument with herself. It was like something straight off of Jerry Springer. Every other word out of her mouth was a curse word and she had all the body language to go along with it. We were somewhere in Georgia at that point and a few passengers complained to the crew. One of the conductors came back and very politely spoke to the lady only to get a royal telling off. Nothing else happened for a little while and then the train made an unscheduled stop. Several police officers boarded the train and escorted the crazy lady off. Later on, a crew memeber came back to our section and asked if anyone knew where she had gotten on the train. Turns out she didn't even have a ticket and somehow managed to slip onto the train undetected. That was the last we heard of the crazy lady.
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