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Nothing Interesting in Here

I feel like I should post a blog today. I realize I probably won't get many comments because I never do on the weekends, but still I've got the urge so here goes.


I am recovering from a cold. I've been sick off and on for several months now. Totally sucks.

My husband is back from his trip and doesn't have any more scheduled any time soon. He has been travelling for the better part of the last 5 months. It's really weird having a spouse come home after being away for so long. I've gotten really independent so now I kinda feel like he's just in the way. I guess we will re-adjust to each other eventually.

The deck is finished. I keep forgetting to call the inspector for the final inspection. I'm so forgetful at times.

Work is pretty much the same. The one guy in the cube to my right left a couple weeks ago and now the lady in the cube to my left is leaving today. I know I've joked and complained about it before, but this cube farm really does have a lot of the same qualities as a prison. It's just so depressing up here.This is a generic picture and not my actual office. My office is more depressing that the one in the picture. Lower ceilings, no windows, higher carpet walls, smaller cubes I think too.

The holidays are almost over so I don't have to think about it much longer. Maybe I'm weird, but I really don't like holidays. I don't like vacations either. I've just gotten to the point where I am pushing forward with my day to day life and I don't want distractions that show me how boring and monotonous my daily routine really is.

This whole thing is sounding really depressing. Hmm, I don't feel all that depressed at the moment. I'm just stating the facts.

I just finished a book called 'Uglies' by Scott Westerfield. My sister-in-law read it as an assignment for school and recommended it to me. I enjoyed the book, but there is some looseness in the plot. I keep finding myself saying "that's totally illogical, wouldn't he/she just do this?" The overall premiss of the book is good, but like I said I was able to easily poke holes in the plot. There are two more books in the series; 'Pretties' and 'Specials'. I'm planning to read the other two.

That's all I've got folks. Have a good weekend!