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Positive Thought Recommendations

Okay, I have an obligatory trip that I have to make this weekend but I am really not looking forward to it.  Basically I just have to grin and bear it.  I hate pretending like I enjoy something and my real feelings almost always show through.  What I need is some ideas of positive thoughts to think while I'm on this trip just to keep my morale up.  Can anyone give me some positive thought recommendations?

Welcome the the ShinyBlackSheep blog to all my new friends: jb_lovergirl, JPPT1974, DarthLobster, diamond07, entity0, sluggmunki_tx, and kcohan1!  I hereby present each of you with a bag of shiny, black wool sheared from the ShinyBlackSheep.  I look forward to reading all of your blogs and I hope you enjoy mine as well.

To all of my friends: Lisa31468, spacedkane, db70905, kataang4eva081, and thirteenparrots... each of your blogs is unique and interesting and I have enjoyed reading them very much.  If I forgot anyone it was unintentional, please forgive me if that is the case.

I hope everyone enjoys their holiday weekend to the fullest!

Sheep fact of the day...  In New Zealand, sheep outnumber the human population 12 to 1.