Hello, hello! Before I get started on the Riddle stats, I want to say one more time. Krath - we really miss you and hope you get better soon!
Sorry it took me so long to get back to more riddles. There was a tie on round 7 between LMH68 and super_snotling with 8 points each. I had to go dig around in the shed out back for a second shepherd's hook since there was a tie, but I found one. Make sure you put those to good use you two!
Anyone can play. Please add up your points and post them with your comment. 2 points for nailing the answer, 1 point for kinda getting it, 0 for not knowing or missing completely. The winner for Round 8 gets a pair of wool gloves. Enjoy!
What are the only 2 states that have their state name in their Capital? [spoiler] Oklahoma City and Indianapolis [/spoiler]
What is the next letter in the series: "B, C, D, E, G,..."? Why? [spoiler] The next letter would be P. They all rhyme. [/spoiler]
What are the next two letters in this series: A E F H I K L M ? [spoiler] N and T are next. Why? These are of the alphabet that do not curve. [/spoiler]
The following number is the only one of its kind.
Can you figure out what is so special about it? [spoiler] It's the only number that has all the digits arranged in alphabetical order. [/spoiler]
I guarantee," said the salesman in the pet shop, "that this purple parrot will repeat every word it hears." A customer bought the bird, but found that the parrot wouldn't speak a single word. Nevertheless, what the salesman said was true.
How could this be? [spoiler] The parrot was deaf. [/spoiler]
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