So, the holiday is over and it's time for school again :( I'm having little time in playing games and International Bussines and Languages is much harder then I thought. Well not really hard, but you need to put all your soul to it and no time doing things for your own. However I did meet lots of new friends and it's kind of like a fresh beginning. I hope I can make it!
As for FFX...I'm inside Sin again. I still haven't found all the secrets, but do have all the aeons (anima, magus sisters etc.), have 3 powerfull weapons (nirvana, musume etc.), two Sigils, all the Al bhed letters and have almost all the monsters in Monster Arena. A whole improvement from the last time, but I still need to do lots of things. I still need to get the other 4 weapons, 5 Sigils, defeat the dark aeons, defeat all the powerfull monsters in Monster Arena and defeat Omega weapon. This game has so much replay value that it's preventing me from playing and finishing other games! Though it's worth it, cuz it's one of the best games out there.
Yet, I'm thinking about the ps3 a lot lately. Even though I don't have the money for it, I'm really starting to want it like a crazy. I'm thinking about putting some money away until December and borrow the rest from a bank. It's going to be lots of money, but it's totally worth it in my opinion. Especially the bundle with Resistence FOM, Motorstorm and another Sixas controller. Oh, and I need to get ready for FFXIII!