Thanks guys, will defintely replay.
Shock_the_Rock's forum posts
Like everybody else i loved the game but hated the ending. Should I replay again with all the dlc? Are all the dlcs good? I heard the last dlc(Citadel) is epic.
Now this is a much better reply than the guy(3rd post) above. I love Bioshock Infinite but it's not a perfect game as many are saying. I am going to play it for the 3rd time.1. Can become a pain on harder difficulty levels, but they did add extra checkpoints right before Handyman battles on 1999, and I got through Hard without too much trouble. However there were places I used revivals vs reloading chekpoints due to the checkpoint placements being annoying at times.
2. Doesn't really bother me, it just balances out your weapon to vigor ratio and keeps you on the move picking up other weapons when needed. The inventory system also keeps an ammo stock of each weapon type, so it's not that hard to deal with and is just more realistic.
3. I think he meant he's afraid of her powers and what might potentially happen were she to become enraged at him. It's also likely because he was first intent on just handing her over to pay off his gambling debt. A guilt conscience can cause fear in itself. I kinda LOLed when he said he wasn't mad at her when he caught up to her after she smacked him with the wrecnh and ran off. She should have been made at HIM.
Other than that, sometimes the gears being random spawn items bothers me. It makes it kinda harder to know what strategy you'll be able to use in the first half of the game, especially on higher difficulty levels. I also don't like that you can lose valuable gears if you reload a checkpoint to redo a battle if there's a gear pickup right after the checkpoint.
Honest question: you are very young, yes? Because I have no problem with you disliking a few things, but #3 shows that you really, really missed the point. She isn't powerful because she didn't kill a lot of people? She couldn't stop him from killing Comstock? Whoah.
Elizabeth can alter reality. If you actually saw someone do that in real life, it would freak you the hell out. It means ANYTHING can change--even you. She brings the dead back to life. She changes the entire world around them, instantly plunging the whole city into civial war. She's practically a god by the end.
In this age of constant, casual, vicarious killing, it might be lost on some youngsters that when you achieve real power and strength, you are defined by how often you choose not to use them. Any punk can push people around. It takes real character to hold back. Elizabeth's actions are partially based on that and partially on the fact that she's lived an extremely sheltered life and is still processing a flood of info and emotions about the world. Part of her wanted Comstock dead. But she couldn't decide quickly enough to stop Booker. If she 100% wanted him to stop, she could have. Just look at how he tried to stop her after unhooking her from the machine, and she instantly whipped up a tornado to show him she meant business.
Honest question: are you stupid yes? what does age have to do with this?
You say she brings the dead back to life? Yeah right Freight hooks, meds, salts are really living things.
"she instantly whipped up a tornado to show him she meant business." Yet she did not something like this when comstock's men, vox popullia came to kill booker and her. she only gives suppies and brings freight,salts.etc from alterate universe. I know she can't bring something out of nowwhere but freight, salts, meds are only things she brings when booker is fighting.
In the e3 2010 demo video, she did bring clouds over hordes of enemies and booker used shock jockey and electrocuted the enemies. She also gave some objects to booker to use with telekenis.
I love Elizabeth's character but she is way overrated.
1) No quicksave (i want to save anywhere but not in combat)
2) You can carry only 2 weapons at a time. In the first two bioshock you could carry 8 weapons. Carrying 3 or 4 weapons would be better only 2.
3) Booker, Are you afraid of God. No but I am afraid of you line.
Why would booker be afraid of Elizabeth? She hardly killed anyone in the game. She barely controls her ability to open up tears.
She couldn't stop booker from killing Comstock. She is not that powerful imo.
While booker is a badass(lol) who uses vigors, wide variety of weapons.
I played and finished Witcher 2 many times but I never bothered to play Witcher 1 because the combat system was different. Is the combat really bad when compared to Witcher 2? Is that true that most fans consider Witcher 1 better than its sequel?
Whats up with bioshock 2's graphics? They look worse than bioshock 1 or is it only me?
I have latest nvidia drivers and playing on high settings.
Crysis which was released in 2007, still has one of the best graphics. :P
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