Shodarkhorn's forum posts
Really Stolz1975
Do I own a ps3 system or am I just bashing it.
*looks at his 40 gig ps3 sitting on top of his TV
*looks at his measly 10 game collection of noteworthy games
yeah I wonder do I really have this system or am I just bashing a giant piece of shiny plastic situated in front of me hmmmmmmm
Surprisngly not, a good lot of man power is comming from the Devs at the thrid party companies who are working alone (and for some doing a hell of a job) but Sony has no plans at this time to help developers to cope with the problems of finding easy solutions to the programming structure of the ps3.
It sounds lame but when you have a game tester tell you how much the company he worked for had to struggle with sony just to get some feedback and then recieve a null response...well that just says a lot about what is happening in the background
Wether or not you agree or anyone else agrees is by choice. I posted what I found out to inform the few still asking the same questions.
Ok I managed to get in touch with a friend of mine who worked on games to get the lo down on why the ps3 is losing exclusives right left and centre and why the ps3 is at this time in LAST place as far as consoles go.
Everyone here has asked the same question over and over and so did I
Well when I got into contact with my friend who worked with Criterion on the game "Burnout Paradise" I found out the REAL reason behind Kutarugi's madness and what sony has done to its fans...
The ps3 has a massive programming structure that uses advanced C++ language writing and scripting and allows developers the ability to create multiple worlds using the 8 seprate processors that allow some very VERY intensely fast calculations per second...yeah yeah yeah we know all that but where are the GAMES!
It turned out Criterion did NOT abandon sony at all...
During the development criterion was indeed building the xbox 360 version first and now here comes the glorious part where we find the MAIN reason behind the failure of the ps3 thus far
Criterion had trouble with the program structure with the ps3 and repeatedly contacted sony for some answers as to how they could build the game from the ground up...but they were repeatedly blocked with the same answer from sony.
We cannot help you as we have no development team who is familiar with the ps3 programming stucture and at this time we are working to create a solution to this problem. QUOTE folks QUOTED!
The loss of exclusives is due to high amount of man power to make these games and a lot of money for production for a platform that Ken believes will last its 10 year cycle like the ps2...well.
With NO support from sony or any development teams working to create program solutions and software to help developers out PS3 I hate to say being I own one myself and have been a fan since day one of the ps1...without that support there will be a lot more exclusives going the way of MS due to the fact that Kutarugi is convinced that the playstation 3 will dominate its competitors and people who spent all that dough on the ps3 will get their moneys worth in the end. As well the countdown has begun as Sony Reps and Sony Execs have already started to jump ship and guys like Cory Balrog and others who have left sony for clearer pastures are already hard at work on X box 360 titles as we speak.
So there you have it folks in one stinking little package...
Sony has abandoned its developers that make them wads of cash for their game division and now those said developers are only giving sony a second thought...A firend of mine who runs the EB games here said that the ps3 is already backing on 2 years and so far only 3 games are keeping the ship afloat...
Killzone 2
Resistance 2
God of War 3
What happens when we who have spent our hard earned dollars believeing in the
"Steak and lobster dinner" find themselves with a near empty plate with only a vianna sausage to tide them over.
A big black burnt out no game vianna sausage with a heft price tag and empty promises. Also it was ken Kutarugi back in 2007 that said Sony was placing together seperate companies who were dedicated to bringing software and tech support so that new in the water developers would be able to harness the power of the ps3 and that Sony would be there to back them up.
I don't know about all you who own ps3 but personally I want to see my steak and lobster dinner be worth every DAMNED penny I put into it.
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