Hey boys and girls.How is everyone?I was kinda pressed this week with studying..Upcoming exams starting next week...:/
Anyway this part will be more calm than the previous one.:P
So here we go:
11)Deadlines by There For Tomorrow.Really loved this song when i first heard it.Love the rylics too.
12)A Little Faster by There For Tomorrow.Found this one out by searching bleach amvs and i really liked it.:)
13)To Be Loved by Papa Roach.Just an awesome song!!!!
14)Dead To The World by Nightwish.Dont ask why i like it i just do!:P
15)Fight Like This by Decyfer Down.Found this from drakedog.That guy used to make movies for WoW PvP and he had a playlist on so i checked it.:)
So that's all for now.Hope you enjoy em.I probably won't be on a lot for about month coz of my exams.:(
If i get some time i will make a third part which will be the final one.
See later guys and take care.:)
Angel out