im already geting cod4
Shorty340's forum posts
why do i keep hearing assassins creed suks
i really need some help deciding between these two games. i already am getting cod4, assassins creed, and my mom said she will buy me another one for christmas. i am really stuck between these two. any help is greatly appreciated!
hey guys. i was just wondering which games you were going to get thise holiday season for your wii. list them and then put which one you are going to pop into your system first.(virtual console games count)ex.)
1.)Fire Emblem:RD
2.)Metroid Prime 3:Corruptions
3.)Wii Zapper Links Crossbow Training
4.)2000 Wii points card (not sure of which vc games im gonna get)
First Playing: Fire Emblem:RD
hey guys. just wondering which games you guys are getting for christmas (or whatever you celebrate). list the games you are going to get (or want to get) and then write which game is going to get the glory of being played first.
1.)Call of Duty 4
2.)Assassins Creed
3.)The Orange Box
personally i am having a hard time deciding between asassins creed and cod4. i think i will play a little bit of call of duty first and then switch over to AC. CHRISTMAS ROCKS.
First Playing:Call of Duty 4
ur best choice is probabyl wario ware. its fun and funny
this game is pretty awesome. i like how the new stars keep coming and coming
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