I've been following the hullabaloo off and on for a few days and honestly I don't see what the fuss is about, not yet anyhow.
This situation does make me question the integrity of GameSpot to some degree, but that's not to say there wasn't a few skeletons in the closet beforehand. Who am I to say the company is being run into the ground by a money grubbing group of middle-management lackys? That might be the case, it may have been the case for years, it might never be the case, I don't know.
What I do know is gamers, like many other demographics, have a tendancy to overract when change occurs to their natural order. Yesterday it was normal, today there's change, now I'm flipping out and you can't stop me. That seems like a silly attitude to have. Sure maybe I'll take new reviews with a grain of salt, maybe not. What I can say is there is some kind of mass exidous I will bail, butonly because it gives"the man" the oppertunity to fill those positions with yes-men.
If I had to guess as to what caused this "issue" to occur, it would be that Jeff wasn't seen as a Team Player. Bosses like to use buzz words like Team Player and Bucket (btwi hate bucket, it can go to hell). The corporate world sucksbigdonkey balls, that's not going to change, the best you can do is suck itup, keep your head down and work until you get fired. Atleast he had the balls to stand by his word, reguardless of the cost, and that's what the rest of the editorial staff should be doing.The customers will come and go and the business will still make money, but if the people inside startto make noise someone will be forced to listen. A place that's been around as long as GS hasdoesn't exsist because of the management or the customers, it exsists because of the staff.
I canceled my Total Access (or whatever it's called) membership, not only because of this hooplah (another good word) but because my renewal comes in December and it's difficult to spend an extra $40 during the Christmas season. I'm willing to give CNet their money back, as long as everyone agrees to play nice.
As far as I'm concerned, even if GameSpot is taking a downward turn it's still better than IGN.
I think the worst thing that's occured because of this situation is the reactions of the community. I might not have been a strong memeber of the VU, but I enjoyed the conversations and the people who lived there. I've got too much stuff going on to focus on another message board, having a community like the VU attached to GS was a great perk and a convienience and I'll miss it more than I'll miss one editor.
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