Well gamespot, its the begining of the new year and new things to come. I'm off to the University. I stopped by the arcade in the commons building and saw that they have some good fighting games, like SF 3rd strike, MVC2, Guilty Gear, CVSNK 2, Tekken 5 dark res. and someother ones as well. So of course I have to start playing. Im beating the life out of the computer until someone comes and challenges me. I'm thinking, "piece of cake"........WRONG! This guy tore me a new one! So after getting tore up from the floor up, I decided just to be a spectator. I have to say, it seems like everyone who goes there is amazing at these games. Oh and I began just talking to some of the random guys who were playing, and it turns out that theres a couple of them that compete in the EVO tournaments regularly, No wonder there so good! Oh another thing, they play tekken 5 the arcade machine, with there custom players saved on a card, and they bring there own ps2 controllers to connect to the arcade. None of the guy who were really good were even majoring in anythig that was even close to videogames, liberal arts stuff. Why do you guys think that is? Well gamespot, in done for today. I'll leave you with this picture in your mind to show you how good the competion is here at school. I was sitting there watching these guys play, when, I kid you not, one of the custodians that was on his break came in to play, and he beat the lot of the.............. theres some food for thought! PEACE!!!
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