I've not posted a blog in ages! Now i've got some internet again (well i have had for a couple of months now) i thought i would do some stuff on gamespot again so i've posted a few videos, added a few games that i've got recently, and ages ago, and deleted any that aren't owned solely by me. I doubt i will contribute much to any of my unions again (sorry) because i've kind of got out of habit and now i'll never remember.
I'm going to get a wii to share with my brothers at christmas but it'll cost nearly as much as the wii itself to buy an extra 3 controllers and remotes and other stuff for it! I've got so many games i want to buy and want to complete in the meantime though and i'm so tired at the moment...
EDIT: Posted on Eragon and RPG union already so maybe i will post every once in a while...:D
EDIT.2: Tagger King and posted some videos and images on. :)