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ShrunkThatGUY Blog

Played Black FLag on the weekend!

okay so as i have posted before i haven't had a chance to play black flag due to the fact that i'm waiting for next gen console. I got a chance to play it Saturday night at a friends house and i absolutely loved it.

I didn't get much of a chance to see the story line, but i did manage to try out some aspects of the game i was really exited for

for example; i tried some harpooning, general sailing, combat, and also unlocked/ earned the 5 Templar keys to get the Templar armor.

What is your favorite part of this game?


So there is only 14 more days untill the midnight release of the xbox one in australia. Getting very exited for this with the console paid of and 4 games pre-ordered and paid. Getting Black Flag, Ryse; Son Of Rome, Ghosts, and FIFA 14.

Cant wait!