@granola_goodnes @ShutUpFanboys @m4nk of course they could, they are the EVIL MS! Why would they try something like that after the recent backpedal? They would look worse than they currently do. They would lose even more supporters, that's common sense.
@m4nk @ShutUpFanboys YAWN. you guys, all you guys do is SPECULATE, you think all this is just FACT that it will all happen. Yet all you are doing is guessing based on your hatred or fear of MS. If they were going to change any policies they would have to make an announcement first like they did with this recent reversal.
@m4nk there are legal issues that prevent them from doing that. I don't see it happening. Only those on message boards who speculate would believe they would do something so stupid.
@samdam3 the 360 was definitely rushed, I had 2 360's get the RROD, finally the slim model has been perfect since I bought it, not one freeze even. MS is not rushing this new console to be ahead of Sony, so I expect like the slim, this one will run smoothly like the first XBOX did.
@Wizdigo @ShutUpFanboys @CaveManCobb more SPECULATION from all of you. Just stop. I can do that too. Maybe the British government is secretly in on it? how easy it is to SPECULATE, what if? maybe? possibly? how about SPECULATION
@Wizdigo @ShutUpFanboys @CaveManCobb Microsoft made a statement and said clearly "The Kinect is used for Spying"? according to one website? So how will the NSA & Kinect spy on those outside the US since the NSA has no legal right to spy on anyone outside the country? You do know the XONE will be in other countries right?
@Barrakas21 @Gbullet wow "MS Employee" haven't heard that for 300th time this week. Shit's getting old after I read it over and over, you guys sound like god damn broken records. I was called the same thing after defending the XONE and yet I have a PS1, PS2, PS3, and pre-ordered a PS4. But I guess because I have something positive to say about XONE I'm a "MS Employee"
what a joke. you guys just look stupid now repeating the same shit over and over.
Stop spreading MISINFORMATION, there is nothing confirmed about anything you have said regarding the "family plan" just some random text written by some random dude posting as an MS Employee at freaking PASTEBIN of all places.
One website links that stupid post and you think its "TRUE" - this just shows how much misinformation gets spread over the net based on one stupid post with no PROOF of anything.
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