@Bgrngod @grognard "one hour demos" dude are you talking about that link from PASTEBIN? until you can get a link to a real blog post with an actual MS employee with actual proof, that comes off as being extremely fake. For those that don't know take a look:
anybody could have typed that and said "I work for Microsoft"
all it says is "Heartbroken MS employee" - there isn't even a name to the guy who posted this bull.
@Acekidder well it's all paranoia based on MS helping the NSA set up their Prism program that is currently in the news. So people have a right to be paranoid, however when the smoke clears I think peeps will see that its simply a device that helps you control your TV with voice and motion controls. At least that's what I will use it for, never cared for Kinect games really....
@Munstable @ShutUpFanboys that's cool, I support both Sony and MS, I simply hate the PS fanboys who don't shut up. Everyone is paranoid right now over this Kinect bologna, I am not going to be in fear that MS has some conspiracy with the NSA to spy on me in my house. But I can understand why others would feel that way.
@Munstable @ShutUpFanboys then why assume the worst about the DRM? if you have supported Microsoft why would you jump on the "lets assume everything bad" bandwagon that all the PS fanboys are on?
@edhc44 many of those people bitching were never going to buy an XBOX ONE in the first place, they were simply using all the negative things about XBOX as fuel to help them win arguments on these boards.
@Munstable @ShutUpFanboys that is your blind hatred for MS talking. You have no idea what they will do next, they could very well come up with a SKU that doesn't have Kinect. Your "hypothesis" is what the majority of you post on these boards - SPECULATION.
RROD didn't stop the 360 from selling. MS is a billion dollar company, no matter how much you want it to happen, they will not be "excluded" from the gaming industry. What do people have to "fear" exactly?
@Detroman @Alexrmf don't you know? without Sony there would be no XBOX! only according to PS fanboys. I guess Sega has nothing to say about that, or Nintendo or Atari. Sony apparently invented gaming according to the PS fanboys. Without Sony there would be no gaming!
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