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So the cool kids call it a PSWii?

As the title suggests, I now own both a PS3 and Wii.

I purchased a 320GB Slim this past Friday, along with Red Dead Redemption and Batman: Arkham Asylum. After only a weekend with the system, I must say that I am excited about gaming again. RDR and B:AA are both excellent much so that I had trouble putting them down long enough to do more family/holiday gatherings this weekend. :P

I have a few more games on the way that I purchased with Christmas money and gift cards. I'm always open to more suggestions though.



3D Dot Game Heroes


Bioshock 2


Dead Space

Demon's Souls

The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (Game of Year Edition)

God of War Collection (with extra dual-shock controller)

Little Big Planet

Metal Gear Solid 4

NHL 11

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Valkyria Chronicles

Why didn't anyone convince me to buy this sooner?!