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Darker Diablo plea falls on deaf ears

I for one. Have mixed feelings on this. I trust Blizzard's judgement as they have never failed to meet my high expectations even once. The Diablo series is something to die for, and still play D2:LoD till this day.

That being said, I did appreciate the D3 gameplay movie and am happy they kept it in isometric. I am also thrilled about the tactical positioning the game play video offered. I loved the graphics, everything was awesome can't say anything is wrong there.

But what I fear is that D2 wasn't as gothic as D1 and in turn it seems that D3 won't be as gothic as D2. Not only from the color palettes but also from the enviroments,soundtracks, and most of the lore that was in D1 was missing in D2. D2 didn't have any awesome situations such as meeting "The Butcher" and hearing something like "AHHHH,FREASH MEAT" in such an evil and grotesque voice. It did not have a creepy poem like "Halls of The Blind". It did not have any characters similiar to Gharbad The Weak or the Mad Sorcerer.

So my point being, its not that the color palette is catoonish or horrible its the fact that the D3 color palette further gives me the logical assumption that D2 to D3 will just be like D1 was to D2. All great but D2 did not have the "shivering effect" that D1 always seemed to deliver