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Sidepocket_Pro Blog

DS Light Madness!

Yes! I have a DS Lite now!

I was at the Nintendo World Party in NYC. It was awsome, like an exclusive club sort of thing. Did you know that they have a GameBoy that was hit by a Grenade head on, saved a Soldures life in the Gulf War. Guess what, it was running Tetris! That should be proof of a quality product Ninendo can offer. They should also make Cell Phones, TVs, and other items that break way to eazy.

I have the Brain Age game from GDC, and I bought Metroid Prime: Hunters and Tetris DS at the store. I am loving these games and hope to buy more in the future, I also hope to look for worthy opponents online and on the street.

Who wan't to battle over WiFi?

Metroid Prime Hunters : 3866-1935-9465
Tetris DS : 9279-4565-8890

Tetris Anyone?

I just attempted to create a new Union called Tetromino after the awsomeness that are the Tetris blocks!

I was shocked to not realy find a good Puzzle union on my own, expecaly one on Tetris, so I decided to create one.

Hope this works, if so I would like to create a puzzle game website along with the Union!

If not then...meh. :?

Wish me luck!

-- Jordan

Old Game Ideas for Old Hardware.

Remember the Virtual Boy anyone?

I dugged up an old one sheet while searching my room. Funny enough is there is a comunity of developers who could make this, but I shall not waste their time.

Instead, read an enjoy a game I documented at 9 years old...

The name of this game is Daredevil VR.

This is based on the Daredevil franchise. I chose this propery due to the action and mystery aspects of the comic books. It also allows for some fun action and puzzles. Lastly, since Daredevil is blind and they show his blindness by drawing Red Outlines on Black Background, I figure that the limit colors of the Virtual Boy would enchance the game rather than ruin it.
(See, even back then I was a visual genious )

The player plays Daredevil, a blind lawer who by night scourges the gritty streats of NYC to fight crime and bring justice. Each level is centerd around a court case for Daredevil, and to win the case you have to use 2D Brawling and 3D Dungen Crawling to win each case.

I broke down the flow and gameplay for eaze:

::Court Case::

There are 8 Cases that involves you trying to lock away the real criminals behind the "alter egos" of the most vile Daredevil villans. Stroy will be revealed here in 3D Images that are drawn like the Daredevil comic books. Each sceen in interactive by choseing what lines Daredevil should say at certant points or presenting evidence. After each Case bout, there will be a gameplay stage. The whole point is the players to aresst suspects and find evidence in the gameplay to use in the Court Case sceens. If not enough is presented and the case fails, then game over.

To get enough evidence and witnesses, the player will have to play two modes of gameplay to win.

::2D Brawler::

Player controls Daredevil with the left D-Pad. Daredevil can move left and right and look up or squat down. In cases were Daredevil can move between the forground and background, pressing UP or DOWN can make Daredevil move between the two.

Players will have access to Daredevil's Kung-Fu with the right D-Pad. By pressing left, right, up, or donw on the right D-Pad causes Daredevil to punch and kick in those directions. Combining both left and right D-Pads will give the player some serious combos.

The A Button will cause the Player to Jump and move acrobaticly. With the A Button held, Daredevil will cross his arms to block attacks to cause him less damage. By holding A and moving the left D-Pad, Daredevil can do acrobatic flips that move him around faster and doge enemies better to flank.

Pressing B is the general action button wich makes Daredevil pick up items, grab bad guys to throw, cause specal moves when the "Devil Guage" is full and use his Darestick as a gattling gun in places.

:: 3D Dungen ::

Player controls Daredevil from a first person perspective. Using the left D-Pad players can move him forward, backwards and turn him in 3D space. Using the right D-Pad will move a cursor around that he can use to interact.

Pressing A when an item is hilighted will cause Daredevil to pick it up, or use objects such as doors and such.

Pressing B when hilighting and enemy from affar will cause Daredevil to knock him out launching his Darestick at him. If close up he will do a stealth attack.

The focus on these levels is to find an exit or certaint items without getting caught. The players must use stealth. They can hear the bad guys walk around and see outlines of the sprites through walls. There is also a sign over their head that will indicate if they are unaware "@", curious "?" or if the spotted you "!".

Players must use walls, objects and doors to avoid detection. When the bad guy is faceing away you can knock him out from close or far.

Both types of gameplay can be exclusive to one level in the case or be mixed up for varity. For instance, you can run through Hell's Kitchen to beat the bad guys. Then when you see that they are trying to burn the witness down to search through the maze and find the gilr before you are engulfed in flames.

Hope to releace by: July 1996