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#1 Sidepocket_Pro
Member since 2004 • 737 Posts
Ohhh! You know who they should add from Nintendo's vault?

Captain N from the old TV show and also Simon Belmont from the Castlevania series on the NES/SNES!

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#2 Sidepocket_Pro
Member since 2004 • 737 Posts
First of all, I am having much fun with my DS on Hunters so I relay have no problem with this.

However, I should state because I did meet Takao Ohara and he stated the reason for the Friends Codes thing is not about Kids, its about two things that make online games a pain: 1)Alienatiion of Non-Gamers and 2) Elimenation of as many idiots as possible.

The later reason is more of a cause for the first reason so let me explain. I have tried out X-Box Live and cancled my service shortly after. Why? Even with private servers, I found nothing but a group of 13 year olds runnning around shooting at the floor and saying $&#*@ alot. After about five games with that, I stopped caring about Live personaly even though I would make a game that takes advantage of Live due to its populatiry.

In Mario Kart DS, I neer enounterd once person who would drive backwards around the track or something moronic. I never had anybody spam the voice channel in Hunters with F-Bombs. All there was was the online game, and I think that is a good thing.

Also, with the Friends Codes, since you are trading codes with other people, you actualy meet new people that way and the online experince becomes more awsome that way.

Anyhow, this was a very weak article by IGN. Since all the facts were bulletpointed, Wii (dead pun) will have to wait for a full In-Depht article for everything.