Boy, do I remember when I first started playing games. It was a though that randomly poped into my mind a couple of days ago. A thought that when I started remembering I began feeling really happy.
When I was seven my baby sitter had a Sega and we played Sonic 1 and 2 all day long! And a game called Golden Axe I believe?
When I turned Seven my parents bought me a N64 with a small 16 inch TV and the games, Zelda OoT, Mario 64, and Rayman: The Great Escape.
And if the games would've sucked. I never would've gotten into gameing. However that wasn't the case.
When I turned 9 my mom bought a PSX for herself, with the games; Resident Evil, Diablo, Sim City, and a game for me 'Croc Legend of the Gobbos'. And wow! I really loved Croc! I thought it was amazing. And even though I'm 13 now and Croc is still a bit kiddy. I still enjoy it.
That year I also got some new games for my N64 includeing, Banjo Kazzoie, Banjo Tooie, and Jet Force Jemini. All amazing games in my opinion.
When I turned ten I got a Sega Dreamcast for my Birthday! And OMGROFLCOPTER I actualy loved it! The games that I got with it were, Tomb Raider: Chronicals and Sonic Adventure DX. Now I didn't really like Tomb Raider, but I loved the hell outta Sonic. I played that game inside and out!
When I turned 11 I got a PS2 which came with the games, Final Fantasy X and Jak and Daxter! And once again I loved the games. However they weren't as enjoyable as Croc and my N64 gamesd
Then four months ago I got an Xbox 360 with Prey, PDZ, Kameo, Crackdown, and Gears of War. [I'm getting Dead Rising Today]
And I know think, that no gameing generation can ever beat the N64 and PSX. But thats my opinion.