I have to admit as much as I love the concept of the game they've done a terrible job with some of their less obvious character choices. if we were getting another batman character why not someone more interesting like scarecrow, killer croc or azriel? theres literally a hundred better ideas. id have much rather seen someone like blue beetle or booster gold. also the character models look really strange in this game...many of them just look...off. Superman looks great and then Batman just looks weird.
@yavix as an employee in the biggest US game retailer i certainly agree this is a problem . they should have kept the revolution name or came up with something better. the wii was a dumb name to begin with but as luck would have it the system caught fire. casual gamers dont understand that its new hardware.
while neat features i still buy consoles for one reason...to play video games. while i have found netflix streaming useful my friggin dvd player can do that now so just stick to the games and enhancing THOSE features.
well if the rumors are true we are gonna take notice that its a piece of crap and stand up to walk the other way. maybe Sony learned from their mistakes and if not im perfectly happy with my pc and wii u
@Joedgabe @hadlee73 you mean they are ACTUALLY releasing it for a nintendo system? how dare they!?!? especially one as powerful as the wii u! we should burn the studio to the ground this is unacceptable! because we ALL know wii u is nothing but junk because its cool to hate nintendo consoles. i mean look at them they cant get third party support! except when they do then we still call them pathetic!
Sidian1626's comments