@Sorciere_basic its the most powerful console on the market right now and although that will likely change with ps4 and nextbox its not like the wii u will look like shit. that said i agree somewhat with the public perception thing...i think the NAME of the console is its biggest flaw. the casual customers that made the wii so much money dont understand that its actually new hardware, and "hardcore" gamers wont touch it because of the stigma attached to the name wii. i see this all firsthand at the biggest game retailer in the world at work every day.
@GSJones1994 @LastRambo341 @Humdinger80 the Wii U is far from failing. right now it simply lacks a "killer app". its going to happen and right now theres some pretty good titles in the meantime.
@soughtthesmet you are delusional if you think nintendo is going anywhere. they still own the handheld market and they will sell consoles based on first party stuff alone. the problem isnt nintendo its stuck up gamers who just go crazy for pretty graphics and being able to teabag. I can literally name 50 non-first party titles for the wii that are good and some even AMAZING games that get brushed under the rug because gamers cant see past the shovelware walmart sticks on their shelves. i wont say nintendo hasnt made mistakes or is even a bit lazy but they arent going out of business anytime soon.
@soughtthesmet nintendo is far from dead. in fact they dont have to win the console war to remain economically viable. they right now have a niche and apparently they are happy with it...id love to see them garner some 3rd party support and crush the other two but it seems thats not the game plan right now. but i hate this "nintendo is done" crap. wii u isnt anywhere NEAR the failure that dreamcast was. not to mention nintendo still leads the way in handheld systems and basically anytime they want to save themselves from going under they just have to say two words....Pokemon MMO. im not a fan but that would sell like crazy
@soughtthesmet false. nintendo actually is still producing good games and therein lies the difference. nintendo could be accused of milking their franchises and that argument has some validity but squeenix is producing crap.
@Sevenizz speak for yourself. if sqweenix produced anything like you described in recent history they would be doing fine. 10 was the last game like that and was ruined by lame characters like tidus and wakka (WHO THROWS A BALL AS A WEAPON!?!?!) and the same puzzle in every damn temple (take orb here rinse and repeat). since then its been mmos and bad battle systems.
just because you find 40+ hours boring i find that i connect much better with the characters over a fully drawn-out story and certainly appreciate getting more play time for my money. not all of us gamers have the attention span of a squirrel and want our campaigns to be done in 5-10 hours.
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