Is a link that will take you to the news story that I've read. I'm not a technical kind of guy, but this is exciting news, wether it will actually find its way onto PC's is another thing, but it will certainly make those portable drives a lot more stable.
"Ultimately, the technology could displace the RAM found in PCs, enabling systems that boot up immediately because data don't have to be reloaded into the memory chips." AP News.
Are we REALLY this busy in our lives that we can't wait for about twenty seconds for the PC to boot up. If your start up time is longer that's your choice of programmes, very rarely are they ALL required in every session.
Tell me if I'm wrong about the PC remark. Sure it's faster and apparently has a larger capacity, but does PC's actually need RAM that remembers the information when you turn it off? PC's can be slowed down ridiculously when there's too much data floating about, having yesterdays clipboard contents might be alright from a security viewpoint, but I think people who forget things like that should be punished rather than let off.
I'm heading out to the hardware and tech unions, see what they make of it.