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New Medium for a New Generation.

"Compared to the abundance of common trolling and juvenille fantasies that seem to inundate the GTA boards, you are one of the few people that not only offers an opinion, but states the reasoning behind it." - aogoodies

Is a quote taken from an email I received from a fellow Gamespot user. It was in response to my general posting quality and I take it in high regard in deed. My hat size went up by atleast one, if not two.

For the most part, the boards I visit both for games yet to be released and games that are already out are usually interesting and varied. Of course there'll always be repeat postings because not everyone can scan the websites daily to find new information. Not everyone, but those that do, deride people who ask real questions or post information up that had been released sometimes less than 24 hours before as old information. As if they are forced to write a message in every single thread that's on page one.

Those, repeat questions and repeat information will always be around. It's fine, that isn't the purpose of this entry. It's acceptable to ask questions you don't know the answer to. It's fine to share with people what you've found recently, unless of course it's already in a thread on page 1.

What I object to, is the trolls, the spammers and the people who refuse to write in intelligible english. Lack of punctuation if fine as well, as long as there are paragraphs involved, I think that's a minimum requirement.

This medium can be used by anyone, whatever their ability. We don't need to learn to speak into a microphone, or learn a different language. We don't need to give out our real names either. It's a great way for shy people to voice their opinions and be heard.

All I'm asking for is that people use it properly. Learn about paragraphing, pay some heed to structure, unless it's a civilised rant like this. Be helpful to people who are just being civil and asking a question or asking for an opinion. For the first time in centuries we can share an opinion around the world in seconds and get a reply in seconds.

For the sake of speed and cost, let us limit the amount of space that's given over to abusive/silly topics. So what if the main character in GTA:SA is black? If you don't like the idea, fine share it with us in a non abusive way and get the opinion of other people, but ask yourself, does using the N word in a hate context bring you kudos or friends?

We can all prevent threads from being out of control just by ignoring them, eventually they'll drop off the page, we don't need to reply to obvious hate topics, just alert them and walk away

This rant is over, it's a long rant but that's the way I type.

It's amazing the people who won't read more than one or two paragraphs in a post, no matter the quality. THAT is a shame, especially when more time is given to lots of little messages which are usually degrading the original poster or agreeing and offering nothing new.

Rant truely over.