Well I think this is a great way to prolong the life of WoW since its a game designed to run on as many computers possible.
They could release WoW2 but that would result in people saying "original WoW was soooooo much better" just like they say "early early days of WoW were soooo much better" when in reality WoW was always a mediocre mmo in a ugly shell.
If they released World of Starcraft along side WoW and made it a more serious and graphic intensive mmo aimed at a more hardcore community like most of us I think that would be fantastic.
@sorintitus It is terrible in its current state and based on what I've experienced its not going to get beyond an average score without some major overhauls. The developer should keep the engine and make a new game from scratch properly.
"If game companies give money to every single reviewers in the world" not every single reviewer just the big ones, ign , gamespot, gametrailers, etc. it also doesn't have to be cash. Notice how ign always gets to review big games several days before the smaller sites DESPITE both sites having the ability too minus the embargo.
"do you think the game company in question would profit from that?" The advertising industry is a multibillion industry, and its that way because it works. Coke products average about a dollar to two dollars and yet they spend thousand on ads a day. Because it works.
"they would spend more money paying off reviews than what they earn from selling their games if they did" sorry but you are vastly underestimating the gaming industry.
"ya idiots" just on a side note if you want others to agree with you, don't refer to them as idiots, crazy, tinfoil hat wearing dunces, etc.
pre order bonuses shouldn't be related to anything in game that alter the experience. This is fine.
Pre order bonuses SHOULD have something fun like an art book or a statue or something, this should be merely an addition to that.
Pre order bonuses are a developers reward for having enough trust in their game prior to reviews and even its finished development to buy the game early.
@Thesuperstar2k why would you click on a review with miku in the title then? I don't like green day so i am not going to bother with green day rockband/guitarhero/w.e its on. That doesn't mean they should go and die it means I have a different preference of music. Grow up.
Sikrion's comments