Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2
by SilasCidal on Comments
Hey Everyone so i've been reading a lot of articles about MW2, people have been ranting about the level "No Russian" something about the moral implications of gunning down millions of digital pixels. apparently Pixels are now covered by the Geneva Convention. who knew? but all jokes aside, the level does deal with a few issues that are a bit eyebrow raising. is it right to walk into a busy international airport and open up with automatic weapons. the answer, god no its not right, but damned if it isn't fun. I mean come on people, its a Video Game.. the rules are different when you have a console controller in your hands. ITS NOT REAL PEOPLE.. i mean just because we play it are we going to go to Heathrow or Dublin or Cork Airport and lay waste to everyone we see.. probably not. too much effort. but if someone bright spark gets the idea to do it. he will no doubt be taken out and will deserve so. so take a breath, realise its not real. and just enjoy it.. alternatively you could just skip the level like a wuss! until next time SilasCidal