So does anyone remember that game? Side note anyone remember me? o.O .... ... -.-"
SilentAssassn Blog
Hey my time limits online
by SilentAssassn on Comments
Well if any of you in my unions have noticed I seem to have become less active. All it is is that I'm currently at my dads house in South Carolina and have very limited time online. I'm trying to balance what I need to do online with the little time I have on it. So I'll try to talk to you all. Other than that I'm really busy and can't be on as much as when I'm down at my house in Florida. It will be like this for about three more weeks. But when I get back home. My normal posting abilities should be restored. Hope to talk with you all soon.
I'm back at gamespot!
by SilentAssassn on Comments
Hey everyone here. Long lost friends and any new friends I make while here now. I'm back in the gamespot spirit.... Correction I'm back in the union and friend spirit and I'm only here just to chat with you guys, have fun, and well you understand. Anyway hope to see you all around some time.
Wooo moving my way up in gamespot
by SilentAssassn on Comments
I didn't notice but I'm now level 9 and ikari warrior I think its called but yah thats awesome just wanted to celebrate. WWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....
A time for joy and sorrow....
by SilentAssassn on Comments
Well finally today was my last day of school untill the end of the winter holidays. This means that I willnow be free for two weeks to do whatever my hearts content on doing. Um.... In a matter of speaking of course. Today also is the first night of the RSU Game Night Round 2. I will host this one but for tomorrow night **** will probably need to host that one (or another able bodied person). I will be at my dads house somewhere in the middle of no where in the Carolinas so I do not think I will have a wireless internet connection. Not to mention that I haven't seen my dad in about a year and a half give some take some. We talk on the phone everynow and then but so far the relationship has felt empty so far away from me with no contact so I think we will be busy doing things to "Bond" so to say like hiking, paintballing in the snow, and other outdoors stuff. It all sounds like fun but I will be there with a my stepmom that I never meet but was apparently in my moms words "the disgusting lady" apparently she was the one who caused the unhealthy conflict that tore a rift in my family for a good many years before my dad and mom finally decided to pick up and leave their seperate ways.......Um okay forget what I just said the good news is I'll have fun paintballing in the snow and other stuff like that. I just wish I could play online with everyone. Oh well. I will see you all at the game night and wish me luck paintballing. I have already begun to devise strategies to suprise attack them in the snow.
RSU Game Nights Tomorrow 8)
by SilentAssassn on Comments
Okay everyone tomorrows the RSU game night look in the player hosted servers for the RSU game rooms titled conviniently
"RSU Game Room". I hope to see many of you there if there are no more game rooms available just make more for everyone else to get in with us. This is gonna be a fun night hopefully making many friendships, friendly rivalries, and much converstation untill the next one.Silent Assassin out.
Paintball Rampage. 8)
by SilentAssassn on Comments
Listen up people this is awesome I've played paintball for 5 weeks straight so far. Ya I've blown alot of money on it. But who cares I'm about to play again this weekend. My team and I have been preparing for a torunament and we're gonna win I. I'm pretty sure of it. My opinion paintball is the greatest sport out there. We're else could you shoot someone for free and just laugh about it with them and not worry about them being injured. Much. Seriously any of you who have never played get up and go. Shoot someone make sure you leave your mark. ;)
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