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A time for joy and sorrow....

Well finally today was my last day of school untill the end of the winter holidays. This means that I willnow be free for two weeks to do whatever my hearts content on doing. Um.... In a matter of speaking of course. Today also is the first night of the RSU Game Night Round 2. I will host this one but for tomorrow night **** will probably need to host that one (or another able bodied person). I will be at my dads house somewhere in the middle of no where in the Carolinas so I do not think I will have a wireless internet connection. Not to mention that I haven't seen my dad in about a year and a half give some take some. We talk on the phone everynow and then but so far the relationship has felt empty so far away from me with no contact so I think we will be busy doing things to "Bond" so to say like hiking, paintballing in the snow, and other outdoors stuff. It all sounds like fun but I will be there with a my stepmom that I never meet but was apparently in my moms words "the disgusting lady" apparently she was the one who caused the unhealthy conflict that tore a rift in my family for a good many years before my dad and mom finally decided to pick up and leave their seperate ways.......Um okay forget what I just said the good news is I'll have fun paintballing in the snow and other stuff like that. I just wish I could play online with everyone. Oh well. I will see you all at the game night and wish me luck paintballing. I have already begun to devise strategies to suprise attack them in the snow.