In the first AC, I actually really liked the fact that there was some risk involved in jumping around the rooftops. The parts that you had to go over water gave me the feeling of needing to be carefull where to jump to and how to traverse etc, it made the climbing itself some sort of puzzle. Allthough it was weird of course that an assassin wasn't able to swim, I really liked the challenge in it. With ACII, that challenge was removed since you couldn't die fro being in the water (which was logical off course). I just hope that they will put some challenge in climbing and freerunning around again...
I don't know guys. I actually quite like to play games on my laptop without having to worry about if the laptop will be able to run the game or not and the fact that it's online can be a plus. See it as dropbox for games. You don't need to have the game on your laptop so it won't take any room on your laptop:). Me being a poor student who can't really afford a high-end pc or such thinks that this is an interesting alternative to keeping up with the market all the time (= keep upgrading your pc in order to play the newest games). I think it can co-exist with Steam and such.
I have to say it works quite well. Just make sure you're connected to the internet via a cable. I tried it at school via WiFi, it worked, but quite laggy. Next time, I'm bringing a cable to school:). Great service, and thanks Gamespot, for reminding me it existed:)
Oh, and btw. Some Final Fantasy music would be great. Allthough not all games are that great considering gameplay, the soundtrack was always great. To Zanarkand from Final Fantasy X OST is still one of my favorite piano pieces:)
There is something wrong! I am not supposed to be listening to the radio but I am here in Holland!:P Gotta say this is a genius idea, I think you might be the first gaming site with a 'radiostation!';)
Uncharted: After all it wasn't such a good idea to play 'guess-in-what-box-the-ammo-is' with Nathan... or Nathan: Oh look over there, a tree. Thug: Where, where???
SilentKing16's comments