he thinks that MW2 is still the best game, why???
I'll start from the begining, he was saying how Black Ops is amazing and that nothing can beat it... until he tried to snipe and wasseriously dissapointed when he couldn't kill with a single round to the knee cap... he even tried the n00b way to Q/scope and failed.
After that he used machine guns and camped, only to be stabbed in the backor shot, then he went with Ghost, Ninjaand SoHto try and stab, failed at those...
afetr 1 hour of online play,he sent me a message saying that he is returning this PoS, and staying with MW2, all because, he can't fly down hallways and stab people from 20 ftaway,hecan't Q/scope ( even though he doesn't even know what it is)...
so i won't be playing with him ever again as i didn't tell him that i burned MW2 a couple months after i got it...
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