Here is my review for the game:
A game that brings you INSIDE THE WARZONE. Great graphics and sound.
The campagin mode in this game has a decent story and enough missions to make it worthwhile, one thing I miss from the previous ghost recon games is the extra missions you have to do sometimes solo, and/or with certain weapons to unlock some sweet extras but in this game all the extra hard missions are nowhere to be found. The online game play is pretty cool, you can play co-op online, solo, and you can team up with others to make a squad, all with a reasonable amounts of maps and different game types.
Are great in this game you feel like you're in the game. The 3rd person over the shoulder view was hard to get used to at first, but after a few hours it is actually a perfect fit for any shooter game a great compromise between 3rd person standard and 1st person because you can see around trees, over cover, and the transition between the two views is less noticable. Not only is the over the shoulder view a new addition to a already great game series, but the world the game takes place in is so real. The grass is not blocks of green something I see in many other games including Brothers In Arms something that looks like an all green Tetris. In GR2 the grass looks just like it does in real life, and even zooming in with scoped weapons the grass blurs your a view a little and the types of grass and brush changes from level to level. Sights of all kinds make every gun battle seem more real, explosions flare out your night vision goggles and light the sky and ground all around if they are off. Muzzle flashes during night maps make it somewhat easier to see tangos hiding behind cover, which what would happen if you fired a gun at night. Dirt is kicked up all around you if you lie down to avoid being hit from enemy fire, and the same happens to your targets when firing your own weapons.
The sounds of battle in this game make me feel like I'm actually inside a warzone, every gun has a different sound. You can hear dead, and dying tangos. When your teammates get injured you hear calls to help them from you squad. During one level you're guarding dry river bank with fellow regular soldiers helping you on each far flank, the object is to not let anyone get by you. Not only are the sounds in this level awesome but also the graphics both come together to make an awesome sight and racket. In this level waves of tangos rush your position in a trench, tanks come over a bridge, and the enemy fires artillery at your friendly positions all with realistic sounds.
This game is somewhat hard, read the review I wrote for Ghost Recon Island Thunder, but if you save during a level, and use your squad to help you flank the enemy and destroy harder targets like tanks and helos this game can be one of the best Ghost Recon games, and possibly one of the best Tactical Shooters of all time. I believe there is so much new and great things that were done in this game I hope to see these things in the games of the future.
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